Virtual Accounting Firms Canada
KATA Accounting Solutions Professional Corporation is the best of all the virtual accounting firms in Canada. We are cloud based tax accounting. Our customized accounting and tax solutions are the best accounting services in Canada.
Set Up a Google Account Fast
In this blogpost, we cover the steps for setting up your Google account as quickly as possible.
Business Cases for Blockchain
Cryptocurrency technology is something that all financial professionals need to understand at a basic level.
It’s Conference Season!
A lot of relationships begin at conferences that can become friendships and business partnerships in the future.
Understanding Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is another new form of digital currency, but it has a twist.
Canadian Student Tax 101: Budgeting
You’ll discover small ways you may be wasting money or inadvertently spending more than you should.
Canadian Student Tax 101: Benefits
What we’re talking about in this post is tax issues for students, what creates taxes, and what documents you need to file them.
Canadian Student Taxes 101: Loans
Getting your student finances in order will help now – and in the future.
Choose the Right Computer
Always first know what you need. And then check the Specs to make sure what you’re buying will meet that need.
Guest Post: Can Hemp Save the World?
This highly resourceful plant is applicable in food, medicine, construction, consumer products, and fuel amongst other life-sustaining purposes.