CPB Ignite 2022 Takeaways
This article is one attendee’s opinion about CPB Ignite 2022.
CPB Canada (Certified Professional Bookkeepers of Canada) is one of the few Canada-wide professional associations for bookkeepers. With their recent acquisition of CIB (the Canadian Institute of Bookkeeping), they approach 2,000 members of various specialties.
Quality Matters
As a registered CPA firm, we recognize that we are only as good as the data. Educated and forward-looking bookkeepers provide better quality files. They are the first stop for quality in numbers. If you’re looking for a professional, hire a professional. An excellent accounting journey starts with great bookkeeping.
Since I first discovered it in 2018, I’ve had the pleasure of attending the Ignite Conference. This conference provides software-agnostic educational opportunities and industry-leading knowledge to attendees. In other words, it helps educate us on the newest tools available for small businesses while not being specific to any platform. In my opinion, it’s one of the most important conferences for accountants and bookkeepers to attend.
Historically, there has been a divide between bookkeepers and accountants. My wife said it reminded her of the skewed general perception of nurses, who, together with doctors, are both necessary to a patient’s healing and recovery journey. Coming together to work in the client’s best interest from beginning to end can only result in better companies for everyone. We are all financial professionals.
1. Community
I can’t overstate how impactful this year’s conference was.
Over the past two years, bookkeepers and accountants have faced extreme professional challenges.
For some, it was losing clients to COVID, either because of cash flow or the disease itself.
For others, the disease directly impacted them and their families.
For all, it required adaptation and personal growth.
Whether moving to remote work options out of necessity or learning and implementing processes for new tax programs, it’s been a hockey-stick learning curve for all of us.
Coming together to listen to each others’ personal and professional stories in an environment that fosters learning and growth creates a robust and collaborative environment right up our alley! Being able to see friends and colleagues – some of whom you’ve only seen on screen – was the best part. Over the years, we learned about each others’ businesses and lives and created friendships and business relationships. CPB has fostered one of the best places to develop your career as a bookkeeper.
2. Communication
For me, the most impactful sessions were related to communication.
There were two fantastic sessions about understanding people and learning how to communicate with them. One was based on the BANK system, and the second on DISC. Although different personality profiling tools, both presentations directly spoke to tailoring communication to the style of the listener.
My biggest takeaway from those sessions was to listen better.
By listening better, we can understand the communication style of the speaker. Once that has been identified, the BANK and DISC programs can be used to help tailor your communication to the listener. To be effective and meaningful for them, not you.
One of the best ways to learn about people and their needs is to ask questions. Their answers will help us identify their actual needs, communication styles and personality types – especially if they’re asked correctly.
3. Cultivate
Asking questions is what helps us build relationships. They help us gain perspective and understanding – for ourselves, our colleagues and our clients. Finding commonality and sharing experiences, even as simple as speaking at a round table or speaking to someone in line, can profoundly impact your life. It’s worth opening up.
Over the years, I’ve had the fortune of meeting and learning from some of the best in the industry. Those relationships are special to me – whether we do business together or not. This year, one of them taught me that it’s ok to ask straightforward questions, like “Do you Google?”(Thanks, Kellie!)
Sometimes, it’s best to get important questions answered right away. Those types of questions can help discover compatibility between businesses and clients. They also help us communicate more effectively if we listen.
I’m very proud to celebrate KATA Accounting’s own Tanya Roy, CPB, passing the CPB exam and earning her certification earlier this month. Congratulations, Tanya! I look forward to many more years of working together!
Finally, I want to congratulate the award winners at CPB Ignite 2022. Although we weren’t able to capture photos of everyone, check out our social for pictures and kudos. Or you can check out the CPB website when they’re posted.
See you in 2023!